A wandering mind

Welcome Back, Again

I’ll be the first to admit it, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. My blog has always been a project I have felt compelled to do, and it always seems to become the project I abandon first when life gets busy. That is probably why it has taken me so long to get back into the swing of things, other than my OCD when it comes to wanting to do it right, but I am extremely glad to finally have arrived so I can start writing again. I enjoy working thru conversations and puzzles in my head, and writing them out helps me achieve that goal.

Thinking back over my previous incarnations of blogging life, I’ve always had an issue with trying to make content for the audience and sticking to a schedule of writing. It’s been a collection of nibs and bits of randomness that was far too disjointed for a singular blog. I wanted a place to share programming, share gaming, share thoughts, share pictures, share this, share that. In the end I got some feedback about some things people were interested in, and others that put them to sleep. So I’m going to change all that.

My life is a new adventure every day, and as a part of that adventure I’ve decided to make that the focus of this blog. Sometimes it will be about something my beautiful wife and I have done, sometimes it’ll be about a random thought on my mind, and sometimes it might get down and nerdy with a home project I’m working on. But here will always be about my life, in one way or another. If you’re only interested in the nerdy bits, I’ve got another project I’m starting that’s far more in line with that, but that’ll take some time as these things do.

Can I guarantee that you’ll get what I’m trying to do here? Nope. Can I guarentee this site won’t disappear into a nonupdated mess? Nope. I can’t guarantee anything quite frankly, but I can say doing this for me this time, and that feels right. I’ve grown a lot since the last time I wrote one of these and as such, all of the old content is archived offline. I’ll reflect back on it in my own personal way, but it’s not who I am today.

And with all that said, I welcome you to my new blog.

#thoughts #blog

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